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What type of small businesses make the most money

what type of small businesses make the most money

Decide whether you will take on valuable antique carpets and family heirlooms; if so, you will want to get specialized training in how to handle these carpets and the specialized ways of cleaning them. Whether you need a tire replaced or some headlights changed, an auto repair service is your best bet. Developmental editing. While initial costs can be steep — even in rural areas, warehouse spaces are rarely cheap — the initial investment can be easily offset by rental revenue. Antique refurbishment This is a perfect side business for people who love antiquing.

Trending News

I anwered this same question a little while ago today. A trend is starting up on small businexses ownerships. That’s cool! Like I told the other person, basically in my opinion for economical reasons, a home based business selling a product or service that’s in high demand is the best way to go. My husband and I started our own home based business in the telecommunications industry. We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and then every time they pay their bills, we make a percentage every single month. Things people are always going to be using and don’t really run out with the option of going to a sale and getting it cheaper.

Most Profitable Small Businesses

what type of small businesses make the most money
Some businesses are inherently more profitable than others. This can be due to expenses and overhead being low or the business charging a lot for its services or products. Still, all businesses, no matter how profitable they are, can be a challenge getting started. Without needing fancy premises or expensive equipment, tax preparation and bookkeeping services come with low overheads. Furthermore, the standard rate for quality tax preparers and bookkeepers is a decent salary to live on.

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I anwered this same question a little while ago today. A trend is starting up on small business ownerships. That’s cool!

Like I told the other person, basically in my opinion for economical reasons, a home based business selling a product or service that’s in high demand is the best way to go. My husband and I started our own home based business in the telecommunications industry. We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and then every time they pay their bills, we make a percentage every typs month. Things people are always going to be using and don’t really run out with the option of going to a sale and getting it cheaper.

This is more locked in. Anyhow, that’s my opinion. The best business to get involved in is in the telecommunications industry. I’d say a business where you can hire illegal aliens. You charge the same fees, but you hand out half the wages. Most commonly around here is the «landscaping» and construction business It’s as good as having your manufacturing in China!

But it’s a «labor based» business what type of small businesses make the most money you keep it. This is the ticket for you. Read my profile and email me direct and if your interested I will respond with my story and advice. Its a home business where you can earn through the internet. You can earn quickly and easily. Trending News. Cruise line: Video shows man knew window was open. Social media onslaught after McGregor’s swift win. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes.

Duane Chapman: It’s ‘a lot harder now without Beth’. Experts share what not to do at a funeral. People feeling streaming fatigue, analyst says. Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma?

Boy skall after 4 people killed in Utah shooting. I don’t want to know about online businesses i want to know things busineszes cafes. Answer Save.

John R. You obviously don’t risk any fines businessez legal action in the U. Source s : lots of people i’ve meet through guest speakers are in the food industry. How do you think about the answers? You what type of small businesses make the most money sign in to vote the answer.

Hi First Name? Val fortunehtm hotmail. Setting up a brokers’ will make you easy money and fast. Stacy G. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

Most Profitable Small Businesses

Start by approaching homes that have a boat sitting in the yard. Lots of people who are moving want to hire someone to do the heavy lifting for. While many courses are designed to further an education or career prospects or to promote major life change, you can just as easily design an online course around any hobby or. Delivery services Everybody can get lazy from time to time. This trend has led to small business opportunities for these companies, who offer borrowed or rented clothing and accessories at a fraction of their purchase prices. If you want to cater to the Lance Armstrong wannabes, you can have business all year ytpe. How will each room be used? Mel Sims July 28, at pm. Do you know your way around Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign? Still, all businesses, no matter how profitable they are, can be a challenge getting started. While the number of children in the United Businessed grows, shrinking budgets for education mean that both traditional academics and enrichment subjects like music, art, and athletics have taken a significant hit. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to the use of that data.


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