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Good ideas to make more money

good ideas to make more money

Sell your goods on Etsy, the go-to site for artisans selling home goods, art and knickknacks. Often times, credit card issuers will waive the annual fee for these cards during the first year. More from Entrepreneur. Sign up to become a mock juror through eJury and get paid to help attorneys practice their skills in a mock trial. But if you are still a student, a stay at home mum or dad or are looking for creative ways to make money from home , you are in the right place! FlexJobs is a subscription site that filters out all of the scams. Now that you know how to make extra money, try a few of these or all 30 and see if you can generate a nice little chunk of change.

Profitable niche

How can I make money from home? This is the question I asked myself expecting my second child ready to make that transition from my While yo to look and realizing that there was nothing out there, I reached out to moms working from home and created this website to share their stories in an article I wrote on tried and true stay at home mom jobs. You can follow me. Make sure you subscribe good ideas to make more money our mailing list for updated ways on how to make money from home, save and invest.

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good ideas to make more money
Some wish to start a blog and make some side income online. Others, to escape routine traffic jams to work, or to expand their business online, or to quit their 9-to-5 job, etc. I truly wish to help those I know accomplish this. But, I can only share so much during in-person gatherings or Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. Hence, I am writing this long article to share lessons I have learned as a problogger in the last 15 years. PDF format. Or, check out the presentation slides I created based on the points discussed in this article.


If your bank account could do with a bit of a boost, perhaps it’s time to think of ways to make extra money. We’ve teamed up with Moneymagpie. Lots of us have been struggling to make ends meet for the past few years. Filling out online surveys is a nice little pocket money earner, but don’t be fooled by the scammers promising to make you hundreds a day in exchange for a ‘small fee’. They usually send you links to the free websites. Sign up to as many online survey companies as you like.

It might sound strange but if you live near a train station, airport, a big city, football stadium or anywhere else where parking is at a premium, you could make some easy extra money by renting your driveway or parking space.

There are numerous websites which let you list your location, rates and any restrictions — have a look at parkonmydrive. Put ads in local newsagents or local papers advertising your parking space.

If you’ve got a garage and you live in a big city, you might be able to rent it out through a property letting agent. How much can I earn? Find out what the daily parking charge is at your local train station and offer a competitive rate.

It’s worth bearing in mind that income may be taxable, you should have a written contract and make sure neighbours aren’t put out, especially if it’s a double shared driveway. Whether you own your property or rent it out, you should also check the terms of your lease, mortgage and insurance. Thousands of ordinary people in the UK make extra money by going shopping, eating out in a restaurant or just popping out for a drink.

If you become a mystery shopper, you’ll be sent to places like shops, pubs and ticket offices and asked to report back on the service you receive. Register with mystery shopping companies. You’ll find a list at moneymagpie.

Expenses are reimbursed, so your food and drink are paid for if you’re at a restaurant. Dog walking is an excellent idea if you hate the gym but want to get active. Full-time jobs and busy lives mean that many people don’t have time to look after their pets during the week.

Pet minding could just be feeding a cat a couple of times a day, or cleaning out smaller animals like rabbits and hamsters while owners are away on holiday. The best way to start is to ask anyone you know who has a pet if you can be of use to. Once you’ve gained a couple of contacts, you may find your services are recommended by word of mouth. Also, go to your local vet’s surgery and ask whether they would be prepared to put an advert on their noticeboard or in their window. Charges depend on your area and what you think people can reasonably afford.

You should charge per day for pet minding and per dog for dog walking. If the idea of making extra money from just sitting around doing nothing sounds good to you, then life modelling could be just the way to earn a bit of extra cash. Sessions usually last about three hours and you don’t have to pose naked!

Fully-clothed modelling is also an option. Contact local art schools and adult education colleges for information on how you can offer your services. You can also put ads up in local art schools offering your services. Once you’ve worked for a few artists or schools, word should get about that you’re available for life modelling, which should bring in more work.

Anyone can be a film extra or walk-on. You don’t need any acting ability or a particular look. Contact some extras agencies and get yourself on their books. An agency can charge good ideas to make more money for taking your photograph and including it in their books, but it should good ideas to make more money a low fee. Make sure the agency you sign up with is registered with BECTU the media and entertainment unionas there are rogue agencies that will charge you money to register and then do nothing for you.

If you have a spare room, renting it out on a temporary or full-time basis is a great way to make extra money. There are lots of ways of finding people to rent a room in your home, and many of them don’t cost a thing. Probably the best way is to tell your friends and colleagues that you have a room to rent. There are also websites that you can post on for free, including gumtree. Local newspapers are another good advertising resource, or you could try a local managing agent but expect to pay a fee.

It depends on what sort of room you have in what sort of home, and most importantly, where you live. This can be easy work to get if you live near a town with lots of shops or an out-of-town retail park. You can often get weekend work with a shop or cafe simply by going in and asking. There are also employment agencies that provide shop assistants, particularly in large cities.

There are all sorts of things that need to be delivered to homes in your area: local papers, leaflets, forms for compiling the electoral roll and so on, all have to be delivered by. Many of these jobs are temporary and are often advertised in your local job centre. In London you can be paid to stand at train stations handing out copies of the Evening StandardShortlist and. Your Local Education Authority will often need invigilators for GCSE and A-level exams, and local colleges, universities and adult education authorities need outside invigilators.

The easiest way to do this at university or college is to be recommended by a person who already invigilates. You can also contact the various exam boards requesting work or you could go direct to the local schools or colleges. There’s a big demand for people who can iron, as it’s a particular pet hate of many professional men and women.

Look out for adverts locally in newspapers and shop windows, or promote yourself in a similar way. Some people have ironing done regularly, while others may just need it done if they haven’t got the usual time to do it themselves.

If you have green fingers and some time on your hands, you could help others in your area have healthy, happy plants all year round and make extra money. You can either offer your services as a plant minder for local people when they go away try a leaflet drop or an advert in a local newspaper. Or, you can offer a plant hire service as well as plant care. This is quite a big business already, particularly in cities where there are lots of businesses that like to have plants in their offices but don’t want to look after.

You could set up your own operation if you have a good greenhouse, love plants and have the time to travel round to local offices and homes once or twice a week. To do this, send letters to businesses in your area that you think would benefit from your plant hire and care services. Address your letter to the office services or administrative manager, or the general manager in the case of a hotel. You can also place ads in the small ads sections of the business trade press. A very successful plant hire business would require a van and you’d have to spend quite a bit on plants, growing and care materials.

This is one of the easiest kinds of evening or day work you can. Pretty much anyone can do bar work as long as their English is good enough and they can do basic maths. You can often get employment in bars and pubs by just popping in and asking if there’s any work available. You can also pick up jobs like these in local papers, magazines and on websites like fish4jobs. Be a face-to-face fund raiser. Raise money for charity and get paid for it. Just don’t expect to be loved by the public! Some charities are directly looking for fundraisers.

Try Shelter and Concern. If you know how to dust, wash up, vacuum and polish, then you’re in luck, as there is a huge demand for cleaners all over the country, particularly in big cities. You can either go down the private route or through an agency. If you go privately, start by advertising with a card in the window of your local newsagent or in your local paper.

Otherwise, look out for adverts from people wanting cleaners. This is an important job which many people don’t think. Election day polling stations have to be staffed in order for a government to be elected. Apply to your local authority expressing your interest and they’ll put your name on the list. It’s better to do this sooner rather than later, so don’t leave it until the week before election day.

You can also apply to help count the ballot papers in the evening, but be aware that this is pretty frantic work. Some companies have a pool of people they can call on regularly to join a focus group.

If you’re chosen to take part in a group, you’ll go to an office and sit around a table giving your opinions on a product or an advert or something similar. It could be anything from electric blankets to ice cream or BMWs. There aren’t too many of these companies about and some prefer to find their researchers by cold calling, but you can sign up with Saros.

There are sometimes ads looking for people to take part in psychological tests. The tests are usually pretty easy, involving either brain scans or simple memory exercises. You’ll be paid cash for your time and to cover travel expenses, although many centres will only recruit in their local area.

Look out for ads in local papers, on student noticeboards and on the internet. More and more working parents need someone to pick up and care for their children between the end of school and the time they get back from work. You don’t have to be a qualified nanny to do. You could either sign up with an agency or advertise your services in a newspaper or newsagents. You’ll need to have an up-to-date CV with no gaps in it that are not explained, a copy of a police check which you can get through your local police stationcopies of relevant certificates and written references.

You should also have an up-to-date first aid certificate. You’ll be more likely to find work if you’ve got a driving license and a car.

Extensions, wigs and hair pieces are increasingly popular and many are made out of real hair. European hair is particularly popular, so if you have long, flowing locks and were going to get them cut anyway, why not make extra money out of your tresses?

Monetiztion ideas: 3 clever ways to monetize your blog

This may be a little risky, but there are people who make a living by purchasing items at discount stores T. Back Shows. If you are up to running some errands for others, you can easily make some money on websites like:. For example, you can sign up for Postmates for free in just good ideas to make more money few minutes. Ben Huber October 9, at pm Hey Stephanie! Our free help line is available weekdays to empower you with consumer advice and education. Back Dave Recommends. I signed your email. Who knew? I am in UAE tell kindly the best way to make money as a house wife. Just be prepared for the slow game with this one. Find out how I did it by clicking here! As always, your blog posts are awesome! I tried most of them myself! Easier said than done, I know. Nielsen Digital Voice gauges how people spend their time using technology.


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