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Is rap the fastest way to make money

is rap the fastest way to make money

It is the investments in other areas that allowed him to get rich from rapping. Shows can get cancelled, organizers can pull the plug, a blown tire can inhibit your ability to get to the next venue on time it happens every tour , and soon you find yourself making less than originally projected. You could talk about anything rap-related: single and music video reviews; event recaps; new album «unboxings. The bigger your fan base, the more potential you have to make a lot more money. Again, I find it difficult to attract 50 or 60 people to a show on any given night.

Fastest way to make money?

Remember Me? Advanced Fasetst. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Thread: Fastest way to make money? Thread Tools Show Printable Version. December 20th, 1. Fastest way to make money?

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is rap the fastest way to make money
Updated on 2 November, at pm By iPood. There are rappers and there are fast rappers. We have here compiled a list of 10 fastest rappers ever. These are rappers who signed to a record label or appeared on official album. There may be some talented rappers that we may have missed out add them in your comments but that would be entirely because of inconsistency or below par skills to fit the list. A high-paced speed rapper — Krayzie Bone has a total of 12 solo studio albums, and has been reckoned for his amazing ability to sing fast raps that break the word per minute calculators. Tech N9ne starts slow and hit you with rapid vocals in almost all his songs, it is difficult to guess which in his fastest song.

It’s easy. You just have to be sort of a con artist.

Updated on 2 November, at pm By iPood. There are rappers and there are fast rappers. We have here compiled a list of 10 fastest rappers. These are rappers who signed to a record label or appeared on official album. There may be some talented rappers that we may have missed out add them in your comments but that would be entirely because of inconsistency or below par skills to fit the list. A high-paced speed rapper — Krayzie Is rap the fastest way to make money has a total of 12 solo studio albums, and has been reckoned for his amazing ability to sing fast raps that break the word per minute calculators.

Tech N9ne starts slow and hit you with rapid vocals in almost all his songs, it is difficult to guess which in his fastest song. His fast passed songs are why he got his stage. Tech N9ne is a name that comes from TEC-9 semi-automatic handgun, thanks to all his fast rhyming Chopper style raps. Unlike most rappers today, Eminem does not rap about sex, drugs or money. Eminem is famous for delivering meaningful lyrics fastwst conviction and amazing vocal speeds.

Also read: Top Pop-singers of new generation. Rebel XD is Chicago born American rapper who has held the Guinness book record for Worlds fastest rapper on three different occasions — inand Rebel XD calls himself due to his attitude. For Rebel in his music he says, either you love it, hate it or kiss his ass. And XD in the name stands for extremely dope. He is the most famous for holding the Guinness world record for being the fastest rapper in the world in If you have to name someone who can make Twista sound slow, it has to be the mighty Twisted Insane.

Not really sure why they call him Twisted insane, but if you set out to make a list of the fastest rappers, this guy cannot be missed. He is classified as many soles as the quickest choppers fashest all time. Had it not been for the dap who only understood English, Outsider would have been the record holder for the fastest rapper in the world. Wway of rapping at 21 syllables per second fast shit he is one singer who despite singing non English songs is pretty much loved in the West. American rapper Tonedeff is famous for his breathless vocal performances.

Tonedeff has an amazing fast delivery — rapid fire deliver, which allegedly makes him the fastest rapper in history. His song Velocity is a great number to relish.

Velocity has been rated as the fastest rap song. Tonefeff the Fastest Rapper Ever. Busta Rhymes: Advertisement. Also See. More From Music. Top 10 most famous jazz singers. View All. Popular on The Web. FB Pe Famous. Twitter Ka Tashan. Insta Se Ishq. Youtube Yuvas. Snapchat Ke Shaukeens. About Us. Maks With Us.

9. Krayzie Bone:

He mojey — SlavaP. Please log in. Even Eminem had Shady for a. After logging in fastesy can close it and return to this page. Breaking even on tour can be difficult enough as an independent. You can start with the basics like shirts and hoodies and then get creative with it and design things that are really tailored to your brand for example, Ks Khalifa sells lighters and marijuana paraphernalia. And, even then, success is not assured. Once you’ve wired the rapper some of your parents’ hard-earned dollars, all you have to do is promote the show, co-ordinate yo artist’s arrival, pick them up at the airport and make sure that they survive their vices long enough to hit the stage! So, why would you want to limit the reach and impact of your music by trying to sell it to your small fan base as an upcoming hip-hop artist? Kelly Sebastien ElkoubyJanuary 11, They create an automated business that requires little to no upkeep or they hire people to run it for them and it runs is rap the fastest way to make money autopilot and us collect a check. No way! You have to remind everyone that you have products that are available and you have to make sure to get your music on platforms that have a large amount of listeners. Seriously, it changed my life.


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