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Does people who work on charter yachts make good money

does people who work on charter yachts make good money

There is no guarantee of full-time employment. We also have a small rental property portfolio developing in New Zealand our home country. That is purely for the boat. There is a whole world out there to discover and owners that are keen to explore it. These kind of opportunities are extraordinary and for that moment any trials you may encounter with the world’s wealthiest whilst facing unruly seas, unpredictable weather and even more unpredictable and unruly guests, diminishes.

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From the Blog Subscribe Now. Photo Credit: www. Good base salaries and no expenses—those are big benefits for yacht crew working in the superyacht industry. But indeed, where you can make an even bigger financial score is with guest tips on yachts that charter. This overview includes private-only yachts vs. Meanwhile, you can download Chapter 1 for free now to learn all about the luxury yachting industry: who owns superyachts, how much they cost, and what type of people yachhts vs.

Steward/ess Salary Ranges

does people who work on charter yachts make good money
What sparked our interest in telling their story is 1. We want to be on the water soon, and 2. Have you always had this job? At what point did you realize that you could bring in enough income to continually fund a location independent lifestyle? We live and work on a private yacht, me Owen as the first mate and Amanda as chief stewardess.

Did I mention they’re getting paid really well to do all of this?

It’s true, however, that most yacht owners expect great service. Tough decision Mark, we have met so many wonderful and talented kids over the past few years who live on the road full-time. STCW BST certification is now mandatory for a chief-stew position, and previous yachting experience on either charter or private vessels is most always required. The ability to get on well with other crew members in such conditions is a skill worth learning. The standard of care and attention to detail is godo higher than your usual mum and dad sailors… sorry Hugh and Lynn! At what point did you realize that you could bring in enough income to continually fund a location independent lifestyle? After reviewing some or all the articles we have, if you need further guidance just drop us a line.


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