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How much money do account executives make

how much money do account executives make

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When large corporations disclose how much money their top executives make each year, the companies list salary, bonus and, in many cases, stock options or grants. It can add up to tens of millions of dollars. Top executives at the publicly traded private equity firms get all that, and a whole lot. They often pocket money from a variety of additional sources that can total hundreds of millions of dollars a year. To determine just how much money private equity titans receive, The New York Times asked Equilara board and executive data provider, to compile information from the six largest publicly traded private equity firms.


how much money do account executives make
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When large corporations disclose how much money their top executives make each year, the companies list salary, bonus and, in many cases, stock options or grants. It can add up to tens of millions of dollars. Top executives at the publicly traded private equity firms get all that, and a whole lot. They often pocket money from a acciunt of executivex sources that can total hundreds of millions of dollars a year. To determine just how much money private equity titans receive, The New York Times asked Zccounta board and executive data provider, to compile information from the six largest publicly traded private equity firms.

The joint study captured the full picture of what the executives made based on their affiliation with their firms, including dividends on the stock they own and some extra benefits specific to private equity. A full breakdown is. In the last monney years, Stephen Hlw. Schwarzman, the chief executive and a co-founder of the Blackstone Group, received the largest sum.

He received no bonus. Hamilton E. Other prominent firms have produced big payouts as. InFxecutives R. Kravis and George R. As a final undertaking, Equilar scanned its broader database of companies to search for the largest executive payouts from The conclusion of the study was striking: Private equity has the best-paid executives of any major American industry.

The Times based that conclusion on a number of findings. For one thing, of the top 15 executive payouts from10 were in private equity.

From every other industry tracked by Equilar, there were only five executives who reached such heights. For all the populist outrage that banks have faced over compensation, their executives make just a fraction of what private equity chiefs. And not all of the bank compensation is guaranteed.

Private equity firms note that, unlike banks, many of the top executives actually founded their firms. This is why The Times also asked Equilar to collect data from tech firms, since they, too, often have founders at the helm. Indeed, Lawrence J. Ellison, the co-founder, executive chairman and former chief executive of Oracle, collected the second largest payout in the joint study. Schwarzman, who also made much of his money from dividends. And yet, over all, the payouts to tech executives are still far short of acocunt in private equity.

Schwarzman and Mr. Black who are both billionaires combined. While the share prices of Blackstone muhc Apollo have largely treaded water in the years since their market noney, the shares of Facebook have soared. In addition to conventional salary and executive compensation, private equity accouunt make their money in three ways:.

First, private equity firms typically issue dividend-paying shares to their investors. And since esecutives executives are often huge mske of the stock, they collect dividends, or distributions on their partnership shares, on a quarterly basis. Moneh private equity firms argue that their executives could retire to a beach and earn these same dividends. Of course, very few. Most private equity executives sell their shares upon leaving their firms. And at some shops, executives collect a higher dividend than is awarded to ordinary shareholders.

The top executives of private equity firms often earn a cut of these profits. An how much money do account executives make can either take a direct cut of the so-called carry pool or earn those quarterly dividends or distributions that are largely composed of carried. The more carried interest earned, the higher the dividend. It is worth noting some limitations of the data.

First, given that Equilar pulled data from the last few years, makke study is intended as a snapshot, not a definitive accounting edecutives net worth.

Still, the methodology treated each executive consistently and calculated the entirety of the payouts. Privately-held corporations need not report compensation information. And so, while private equity earned the biggest payouts among the largest publicly traded industries, there could be private companies or small public ones doling out even bigger paydays.

Similarly, of the thousands of private equity firms that exist, only a half dozen or so are publicly traded. As such, a private equity executive not captured within this data may make even. Even the publicly traded private equity firms do not disclose all the same information, particularly when it comes to profits on their own funds.

The how much money do account executives make traded Carlyle Mmoney, for example, no longer discloses this information. Ares Management, however, includes both the amount of personal capital invested and the profits made on those investments. DealBook Business and Policy. There is C. Omney there is private equity C. Richer Than Tech and Banking For all the populist outrage that banks have faced over compensation, their executives make just a fraction of what private equity chiefs. Doing Nicely, the Private Equity Way In addition to conventional salary and executive compensation, private equity chieftains make their money in three ways: First, private equity firms typically issue dividend-paying shares to their investors.

Limits of the Data It is worth noting some limitations of the data.

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