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How to make money while living on a boat

how to make money while living on a boat

Creators invite donors to pay according to a tiered structure — larger donations for some exclusive merchandise and engagement. It is always a good idea to follow up with a brochure and phone call as well. Kristin Hanes is a journalist and writer who lives on a sailboat and in a Chevy Astro van in San Francisco. I keep Saoirse at a boatyard in St. This is a series of YouTube videos following an Australian couple Riley and Elayna who have graciously taken us along for a ride on their yacht. Charter boats and wealthy cruisers always need a helping hand. I have a very good feelings about our plan — taking the small steps sounds great!

Ways Melody makes money while sailing around the world

Please read our disclosure and privacy policy for more information. Living life aboard a sailboat sure sounds like a fun adventure, but the big question is this: How to make money while sailing around the world? The good news is. There are sailors everywhere making an income while world sailing. I decided to get some answers to this question by interviewing two women who successfully quit their jobs and learned how to make money while sailing around the world. But when you pop your bubble and step outside, you can really learn so much just by talking to other people.

Before talking about making money, many readers first ask me how much it actually costs to maintain and live on a boat

how to make money while living on a boat
I lived aboard my sailboat for several years. Her are some of the ways that I and others made money while living aboard. As a former live aboard cruiser for three years in the Caribbean, I came across many people who were able to live the cruising dream even though they were not wealthy. Many worked for a few years, then took off and went sailing for a while, to then return to their jobs and repeat the cycle again while the boat was hauled out in a boat yard somewhere. There are a few money — making things that you can do to make the «cruising kitty» go farther, especially if you don’t mind working a bit. Here are some money making, live aboard sailor’s part time jobs that I have come across. If you have skills as a barber or hair stylist, there is always a chance to make a few dollars in an anchorage when the word gets out that you cut hair.

1. Personalized Cruises

I lived aboard my sailboat for several years. Her are some of the ways that I and others made money while living aboard. As a former live aboard cruiser for three years in the Caribbean, I came across many people who were able to live the cruising dream even though they were not wealthy.

Many worked for a few years, then took off and went sailing for a while, to then return to their jobs and repeat the cycle again while the boat was hauled out in a boat yard. There are a few money — making things that you can do to make the «cruising kitty» go farther, especially if you don’t mind working a bit.

Here are some money making, live aboard sailor’s part time jobs that I have come. If maie have skills as a barber or hair stylist, there is always a chance to make a few dollars in an anchorage when the word gets out that you cut hair. All you need is a few basic hair cutting tools, clippers, scissors and combs and brushes. I have gotten many decent haircuts aboard fellow cruisers boats, when I found out that they cut hair.

You don’t need a license if you just accept barter for your services. Just make sure you really know what you are doing how to make money while living on a boat cutting someone’s hair! I’ve had some pretty bad cruiser — done haircuts as. Yoga instruction, Pilates, and massage therapy services are also examples of good ways to make some extra income, and new friends as.

Another skill that is always in demand in cruising destinations is that of a boat mechanic. If you have engine repair skills, fiberglass libing skills, boat electronics knowledge.

You will just need to keep on hand all of the tools of the trade, as well as a supply of smaller spare parts. Sail repair piving a popular way for people to earn a living on a sailboat, you just need an industrial sewing machine and enough power aboard your boat to run it.

A watt pure sine inverter and a couple of T batteries along with a wind generator and solar panels should provide mobey power to run your sewing machine. Painting and varnishing services are also something that is in demand in any port. This is one way that I have personally used to earn some extra money while I was sailing in Latin America. Picky boaters will often trust a fellow sailor, especially if they see that his or her own boat is well varnished.

Cleaning boat bottoms may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but I personally enjoy putting on snorkeling or scuba gear and being underwater, and it is good upper body exercise.

I used to charge a dollar per foot for cleaning a boat bottom, plus my air fill, but I suspect that the going rate has risen a bit over the years. There are all kinds of ways that cruisers can make extra money living on a boat, including writing articles on sites such as Hub Pages. To earn from writing articles, all you will need is a laptop and an internet connection. I still keep in touch with lots of our old sailing friends and one of them who was most recently living aboard his 32′ catamaran in Cruz Bay in the USVI is making money from his articles and YouTube videos.

His articles, mostly about the Caribbean and sailing, are featured on different sites that share Google Adsense revenue or ones where can place his own Adsense code. He uses a high speed internet connection from a signal that he is picking up from a friend’s house onshore. In many anchorages you can find an open wireless network from shore to connect to, however I caution against using them as you run the risk of hackers stealing your passwords.

Once you have met the required number of followers, you may add Adsense ads to your YouTube channel. You currently must have at least 4, watch hours in the past 12 months and also have at least 1, subscribers to be yow to place ads on your channel.

In addition to earning income from ads placed on your YouTube channel, you may also link to products that you use onboard your boat in the video description and earn Amazon Associates income if anyone purchases from that link. Amazon Associates is free to join and shares a percentage of the sale with members who place ads or links on their sites.

One German sailing couple that I met in the Exumas now has overfollowers and they post at least one new video each week as they voyage. The key to success is making your videos interesting, quality filming and adding new content as often as you.

Start by searching YouTube and follow some of the successful sailing YouTubers to learn their techniques for amassing a large group of followers. Another great way to earn some residual income while sailing is to upload stories and photos to your own blog, which you can monetize with Google Adsense. You can do this on Google Blogger or by joining a site that shares Adsense revenue such as Hubpages. I have met cruising sailors who proofread kid’s books, wrote romance novels, and even a licensed dentist who had a full dentist’s chair and office aboard his 52′ yacht.

As a patient you have to hope a speedboat’s wake doesn’t rock the boat when he is drilling your molar! Your imagination is the only thing limiting you from earning money while you live aboard a sailboat.

If you are serious about staying on the water and extending the time you spend cruising, then it just may be possible to do so by performing part time work along the way, including jobs on shore. I once spent three months in the U. Virgin Islands, helping build a municipal sewer plant. As well as being an easy commute, having my boat next to my job was a visual reminder that my work was optional, and was making it possible to move on to new places when I saved enough money.

To comment livjng this article, you must sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. I live on a boat myself and ro a fantastic lifestyle. Not always easy but it’s hard to complain even on the worst days. Great hub thanks!

I mone a friend who’s going to be living livingg a boat this summer and could use your money making suggestions. Voted up, useful and shared. In addition to making sails, there’s a market for canvas covers—especially in the Northwest! Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate voat and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and. HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc.

As a user in the EEA, your mpney is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, hubpages. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Live aboard Careers Updated livint December 5, Some Ways To Make Money Living Aboard A Sailboat As a former live aboard cruiser for three years in the Caribbean, I nake across many whipe who were able to live the cruising dream even though they were not wealthy. Good Luck and Fair Winds!

Buy Now. Interesting read! The things you have described here are new to me. Thanks for sharing:. Good hubs really interesting and some good ideas on how to make money. Thank you for helping me figure out ways to become a liveaboard and make money.

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Earning Income By Sharing Your Sailing Journey On YouTube

Newsletter Want to get updated on future adventures? Thanks for the inspiration! These famous vloggers have spawned around copycat channels, and some of these younger vloggers have serious financial commitments including hefty marine boah. Your videos have been fun and informative for us. There are many resourceful sailors and digital nomads out there who make money hkw other ways. How do you fund your travels? You can write about your adventures and earn money from it. This opens up another world of opportunity for making money on boats.


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