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How to make money off a meme page

how to make money off a meme page

Strike a balance. So, we did some research. You can advertise your smaller pages on your larger pages to gain followers. Recent Posts. Ben says these critics are simply jealous. I would like to see some numbers please.

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how to make money off a meme page
John Robb is no stranger to making money online. Four years ago he started selling his own small software applications after teaching himself to code. Following that, he was an early investor in cryptocurrency and watched as the value skyrocketed to dizzying heights in early Then in as a freshman in high school, he started his first ecommerce store, selling clothes for teenage girls. At last count, his store has made over six-figures.

Memes: More Than Just Humor

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You may unsubscribe from these communications at mfme time. For more information, check out our privacy mlney. Written by Pamela Vaughan. Success Kid. Old Spice Man. Makd Comics. These days, memes are spreading like wildfire all over the mrme, and clever marketers are jumping on the opportunity to use these viral pieces of content to their advantage. And honestly, who doesn’t love a good meme? They’re funny, clever, and great for social sharing. How to make money off a meme page a marketer, «memejacking» — or hijacking popular memes to describe a certain situation — can be a great way to create fun, engaging marketing content that shows off your brand’s personality and likability.

And we could always use some more content. In fact, the image we used above is a memejacking ofd for marketers. Keep reading for more meme examples, as well as tips for how to memejack your.

Let’s ,eme a step back for a second for all you marketers we lost at the mention of the word «meme. A meme is quite simply a concept, behavior, or idea that spreads, usually via the internet.

Memes most commonly manifest themselves pagge a visual such as a picture or a video, but it can also take the form of a link, hashtag, a simple word or phrase e. Memejacking for marketing is helpful for so many reasons. We’ve touched on a few of these already, but let’s elaborate.

A concept doesn’t exactly get classified as a meme if it’s not fun, engaging, and wildly popular. That’s why memes are so great for marketing. Rather than creating something from scratch and crossing your fingers that it «goes viral,» you’re leveraging an idea that is already successful.

You’re aware of all the fuss about visual content lately, right? Visual content is practically made for social media sharing, and because memes are usually visually oriented, they make great fodder for your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Because memes are so share-worthy, they’re mpney for generating traffic and visibility to your social media accounts.

Memes attract likes, repins, comments, and shares like crazy — making it more likely that your social content will gain traction in social media and spread. For inbound marketers, content creation is a daily task.

Because so much of your marketing campaigns depend on content and fresh content, at thathaving some easy-to-create types of content at your disposal is ro marketer’s dream come true. Memes offer just. They’re easy and usually take little time to create. In addition to the few examples we shared in the introduction to this post, check out some of the most popular memes of the past decade to get a sense of what memes can be.

We included some captions just for marketers on the memes below At just the right moment, Kermit the Frog becomes a hilarious template for passive aggression. The caption below the picture of Kermit always stays the same; it’s the subtle gripe above Kermit that of this meme yours.

The meme might help you express your audience’s typical challenges — but that’s none of my business. You don’t need to be a fan keme the TV show, Futurama, to appreciate the look of suspicion on the face of Fry, shown. This meme is known by its opening phrase, «Not sure if Simplicity is the source of the jeme in this meme.

Meet Bill, yow adorable stick-figure model for the behavior you know your audience would endorse. All you have to do is describe him in three lines, all leading up to «Be Like Bill,» the last caption on every iteration of this gow meme. Some memes are designed to identify with the reputation struggles of your audience. The one above speaks for. Success Kid is a meme that has stood the test of time. There’s no requires text on this one — it’s a template for any extreme stroke of luck you know your audience would resonate.

The caption above doubles as a true story: the smallest changes to your call to action CTA copy can memw its appeal tremendously. The characters above need ofc introduction, but this meme.

With his arm around Woody, Buzz Lightyear offers a gesture hw optimism or sarcasm, depending on how you play this one for your audience. For marketers, the right lead magnets can generate more leads than you ever thought possible Buzz’s words, not.

You might recognize this handsome soldier from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. But Boromir, son of Denethor, is much more than a warrior of Gondor. In the scene above from the Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir explains how «one does not simply» walk into Mordor, an evil region of Middle Earth where few have survived. Everyone has their own version of Boromir’s grave warning. While most memes are very easy to hijack, some can be a bit more complicated if elements like video maje involved.

However, even memes that have mwke as videos have been successfully adapted koney images, as evident by the Old Spice Man memewhich originated as a series of videos. But hey, if you have a talent for video and feel you can hijack that popular new video meme, go for it! Some basic knowledge of a photo editing tool like Photoshop hoe hey Once you pick a tool you like, you can either select from the blank memes in the tool’s gallery, or upload your. Then, you’ll have the option to customize the text on the top and bottom of the image you’ve selected.

Then, download your newly branded meme and post it on the channel of your choosing. Just be sure to add additional context if the meme is being shared alongside a larger story or campaign. The most successful instances of memejacking for marketing occur when a meme is at its tipping point — it’s started to spread psge, yet few have hijacked it. This is your memejacking sweet spot, since memes can start hhow feel old after everyone and their mother has hijacked it.

To stay ahead of the curve and stay on top of trending memes as they start cropping up, browse social bookmarking sites like Reddit or StumbleUpon, which are known to surface up-and-coming memes before more mainstream social networks like Facebook and Twitter. In fact, just staying well connected online and abreast of the latest news can keep you on top of the latest breaking memes.

Before you memejack, make sure you’re well educated about what the meme means and implies. The last thing you want to do is offend your audience or memejack something you wouldn’t have if you had how to make money off a meme page understood the connotations of it. Luckily, the folks at Know Your Meme are usually on top of the popular memes, their histories, and their claims to fame so you can determine whether a meme is appropriate for your audience.

To piggyback off the last point, understand that using memes will only be successful in your marketing if your audience appreciates the particular meme you’re hijacking. If your audience doesn’t have any connection to the meme, doesn’t understand it, or doesn’t think it’s funny, it doesn’t matter if it’s already been pwge popular among a general internet audience. Most importantly, make sure your memejacking isn’t at the expense of being relatable.

The way you hijack your meme should have something to do with your brand, industry. If it’s a stretch to create a funny meme that relates memr your brand, then it’s probably not worth doing. The most successful memejacks are those that cleverly incorporate some essence of the brand — its industry, messaging, mission, slogan. Remember, posting content about subjects related to your brand often generates the paeg engagement. In other words, posting content unrelated to your brand — like the latest internet meme that can in no way be aligned with your brand — just isn’t going to cut it.

The most successful examples of memejacking have entertainment value, nake while it’s critical to make sure your audience can relate to it, don’t aim to be. Make ppage your memejack sticks momey the original meme’s format, style, and includes the same components.

Otherwise, you’ll have a memejacking FAIL on your hands. Take another look at our ‘Marketers’ version. While this oversight luckily didn’t really affect the success of our meme, we did feel a bit silly about it when a commenter called us out on it. Once you’ve created a meme to use in your marketing, what do you do with it?

Well, as we mentioned earlier, memes make for really awesome visual content to use in your social media marketing efforts. But it doesn’t have to stop. Here are some great ways to make the most out of your funny new meme:.

Plain and simple, plant your meme in prime sharing environments — social networks. Facebook, Instagram, maie Pinterest are perfect social networks for memes because they’re all sites where visual mrme thrives. Post your meme to your Facebook and Instagram pages accompanied by a witty remark or brief description, and pin it to an appropriate pinboard on Pinterest perhaps you can pxge a board dedicated to memes.

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Your email address will never be shared. Stay current. The alleged violations included attempts to buy and sell accounts and attempts to improperly orf usernames. The idea is to take something that everyone or everyone within a particular niche can relate to in a humorous way. BlogWordpress. Income Reports. When a new meme explodes, the race to transform it into merchandise is fierce. Many people learn how to make money with memes.
