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Making money off of other people garage sales

making money off of other people garage sales

You never really know, but generalizations are good for planning your trips to find stuff. But the profits will be worth following this simple process:. There will be people ready to go to your garage sale before you even open. You should have some change available so you can give someone change back if they have a bigger bill. You’ll simply connect it to your phone and use it to swipe credit cards. In the end, your house will be cleaner, and your wallet will be greener.

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Would you like to make money turning hidden finds into profitable sales? His belief: Not only can garage sale treasure seekers make some money reselling various items, but they can make very substantial residual profits over time. What you see on reality TV is far from grage. Tin toys are frozen in time, in a way, because they represent an era that no longer exists and you can make a huge amount of money collecting. Head to larger cities, where there are lots of comic book stores to look. One instance where this theory may not work is garage sales.

What to do the Day of Your Garage Sale

making money off of other people garage sales
We respect your privacy. All email addresses you provide will be used just for sending this story. Planning and running a garage sale yourself takes a lot of time. The benefit, though, is that you get to pocket all the proceeds. And as long as you sell items for less than you paid for them and don’t hold sales so often that you have a regular business, you don’t need to report your earnings to the IRS. Store them in an out-of-the-way area, say, in your basement or garage.

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We respect your privacy. All email addresses you provide will be used just for sending this story. Planning and running a garage sale yourself takes a lot of time. The benefit, though, is that you get to pocket all the proceeds. And as long as you sell items for less than you paid for them and don’t hold sales so often that you have a regular business, you don’t need to report your earnings to the IRS. Store them in an out-of-the-way area, say, in your basement or garage.

Pick the day you’ll hold the sale, and check with your municipal government to see whether you need a permit. Also ask whether there are restrictions on where you can post signs to advertise your sale. When the day comes, make sure you have lots of change and small bills on hand, and follow these additional tips. Too many garage sales are a haphazard collection of stuff. Don’t be afraid to use time-tested supermarket and department store makinf tricks.

Lf should you sell? For the stuff you can’t sell, use our advice on how to get rid of practically. Figuring out what to charge is the most time-consuming and stressful part of garage sales, says Hammond. If people seem too shy to negotiate, then you can name a price. It aggregates pricing data from online auction sites such as eBay and classified sites such as Craigslist.

You can place free classified ads on such websites as CraigslisteBay ClassifiedsGsalr. Also post information mondy your sale on fo media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, monet Twitter. On average, people have friends on Facebook, and you can get a ton of free advertising doing. Find a way to set your sale apart. The salles that turned out bought og geeky stuff, but they also bought kitchen gadgets, artwork, and clothing.

Make directional signs to attract people to monfy house from major routes. Have someone check the signs during your sale, if possible, to garate sure they haven’t fallen down or aren’t covered by makking for competing sales.

So check carefully. A woman Hammond swles ran a garage sale that included several old wales. One of them had several credit cards tucked into a pocket.

Fortunately, her husband checked the bag and found the cards before they opened for business. Begin early—say, 6 a. You can always continue the sale during the weekend if you have items left. People are less likely to buy from someone who is reading a book or othwr on a phone, and more likely to buy if you greet them and are available to answer questions and negotiate, says Hammond.

When parents with young children visit, find something to give the kids for no charge. You can also throw in freebies for folks who buy lots of stuff, which builds goodwill, even among customers who are watching. Keep your house locked during your sale, and keep your money and a phone with you at all times.

People toting counterfeit bills sometimes turn up at garage sales, so turn down payments in big bills. There’s serious money to be made when it comes to a garage sale—if you do it right.

Sign In. Become a Member. Remember Me. Not a member? Need further assistance? Please call Member Services at Get rid of your clutter and pocket some cash. By Consumer Reports. Last updated: May 03, Sharing is Nice Yes, send me a copy of this email. Send We respect your privacy. Oops, we messed up. Try again later. When you shop through retailer links on our site, we may earn affiliate commissions. Learn. Be Organized Too many garage sales are a haphazard collection of stuff. Don’t Put a Price on Anything Figuring out what to charge is the most time-consuming and stressful part of garage sales, otehr Hammond.

Do you have any garage sale tips? Share them in the comments section. More Tips from CR. How to Get Rid of Practically Anything. Start on Thursday or Friday Begin early—say, 6 a. Be Making money off of other people garage sales People are less likely to buy from someone who is reading a book or talking on a phone, and more likely to buy if you greet them and are available to peiple questions and negotiate, says Hammond. Think About Security Keep your house locked during your sale, and keep your money and a phone with you at all times.

Garage Sale Tips There’s serious money to be made when it comes to a garage sale—if you do it right. More From Consumer Reports. Show monney commenting powered by Facebook. Make a Donation Newsletters Give a Gift.

Get rid of your clutter and pocket some cash

Begin early—say, 6 a. After you’ve set up your sale, walk around and see how easy it will be for people to browse even when it’s crowded. I have run into fof many nice people willing to share their knowledge and experience online, nearly all for free. It can be a great way to make sure your prices are right on target. If you price too high, the item won’t sell, and if you price too low, it may not be worth your time having a garage sale.
