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How much money did american sniper make

how much money did american sniper make

New Year’s Day. Vastly different values, but they would both call dibs on Mr. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Star.

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The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero? | Lindy West

how much money did american sniper make
The following reference was removed from the Controversy section. I thought that it seemed relevant. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee said that the release of the movie coincided with a tripled amount of threats against Arabs and Muslims. How is this not relevant, when the organisation has received a tripled amount of reports of threats against Muslims? This seems extremely significant. It is appropriate to at the very least report this statement in passing since it has been covered in numerous reliable sources:.

One aspect of the film that received negative comment qmerican its use of a fake baby doll in one scene, which was so obviously artificial that it became a distraction. Dec 28, MTV News. Retrieved March 8, All Releases Original Release. Box Office Expand the sub-menu. Jan 14, And no, it doesn’t.


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